Detoxify the Body of Excess Sugars

Last Updated: 16 December 2024
The holidays are behind us, and with them so are the sweets that have accompanied us in our moments of relaxation. This is the perfect time to get back on track and say goodbye to sugar excesses, avoiding becoming addicted to it and protecting both your figure and your health. Getting back to healthy eating habits with a sugar detox is the first step: detoxing from sugar means not only eliminating it, but also learning to recognize its quality and manage its quantity. Let's discover together some simple tips to regain balance and help the body cleanse itself.
Drink Plenty of Water
Before eating, start the day with a cup of room temperature water and lemon. This helps to wake up the body. A good alternative is green tea.
Drink water throughout the day: it will help you increase energy!
Make Small Changes to Your Diet
The consumption of sugars makes the body want it. But, in the days following a sugar binge, it's good to give your body a break from foods that contain a lot of processed sugars. Try replacing them with fresh foods, such as:
- Fruit or vegetable smoothies, without the addition of artificial sweeteners – fruit is already a sweetener, and completely natural! Always keep in mind that overdoing it is not good, even if it is fruit: a fruit-only smoothie can easily reach 500 calories. Also, because fruit is high in natural sugars, the body metabolizes it quickly, making you want to eat again. To avoid this problem, add to your smoothie also a protein, (skimmed or soy milk, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein powder or soft tofu) and a source of fiber, your allies to lose weight, because they help maintain the sense of satiety (foods rich in fiber are bananas, berries, cabbage, avocado and flax flour).
- Romaine lettuce or black cabbage
- Raw or grilled vegetables
- Fruit
- Lean protein
- Quinoa salad
- Seeds and dried fruit. Use raw nuts – associated with lower cholesterol and better heart health – that are neither roasted nor salted to avoid adding too much fat and sodium. Walnuts contain the most antioxidants, which help protect the body from cell damage that contributes to heart disease, cancer and premature aging; cashews are rich in iron, which helps to provide oxygen to all cells, and zinc, essential for the health of the immune system and vision; Almonds contain the most fiber and are rich in vitamin E.
- Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamins E and B and are also rich in protein and heart-healthy fats; chia seeds are rich in iron, folate, calcium and magnesium; Hemp seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which promote the growth of healthy hair and skin. Omega-3s also reduce inflammation and promote brain and cardiovascular health; pumpkin seeds are a tasty source of vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc and protein; Flaxseeds help lower cholesterol, feel full for longer, stabilize blood sugar levels and promote eye health thanks to omega-3 fatty acids. As with dried fruit, choose unsalted or low-sodium fruit.
Exercise is a great way to eliminate toxins from the body and give your metabolism a boost of energy. Try to train for 30-60 minutes at a pace that makes you sweat.
To learn more about UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital's Nutrition service, click HERE.