Depression and Back-to-School: Warning Signs and Tips for Parents

Last Updated: 12 December 2024
Depression is not a problem exclusive to adults: children and adolescents can also be affected, especially at times of high stress or during significant changes in their routines. Situations such as moving house, moving to a new city or returning to school after a long break, such as the Christmas vacations, can be triggers, putting a strain on their emotional balance. Let's find out together what signs should not be underestimated and some valuable tips to support our kids in dealing with the stress of going back to school, helping them experience this transition with serenity and confidence.
Warning Signs for Parents
As a parent, you may wonder what the signs of depression in school are. Moreover, should you bring it up?
The quickest way to identify depression in teens is to be aware of clues and ask questions. You should pay close attention to the following warning signs:
- Sudden drop in grades.
- Change in sleep patterns or the desire to be alone.
- Lack of focus or forgetfulness.
- Irritability.
- Self-harm or change in hygiene.
- Giving items away.
- Suicidal thoughts or increased mentions of death.
Other clues of depression in teens are lack of appetite, alcohol or drug use, and negative self-talk (‘nothing I do is right/nothing matters’),”. If your child exhibits symptoms of depression in school, it’s important that you connect your child with a health care professional for support.
The good news? As a parent, you can minimize the link between depression and back-to-school for your own child this year.
Steps Parents Can Take
Just like we help kids learn about brushing their teeth, hygiene, and exercise, start talking about health and wellness, including mental health early on. If we talk to young people about coping skills and what to do when they don’t feel good emotionally, we have created a channel to talk about it more easily as more intense experiences arise.
When the back-to-school transition looms on the horizon, specialists
suggest adjusting bedtime routines a few weeks before school starts, and discussing any peer concerns your child might have. It’s a good time for parents to process with their children and provide strategies for how to handle anything that comes up.
Make mental health and wellness a part of your conversation with your kids. Ask questions to help your child feel confident, well-adjusted, and prepared for this back-to-school season, and throughout the school year.
If you notice unusual behavior, don't hesitate to contact a specialist, early help can make all the difference.
Learn more about Psychology services at UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital.