Laser Treatment FAQs
To obtain a permanent epilation, how many sessions are necessary?
To have a definitive epilation, it is good to perform 6 to 8 sessions. Between one session and another, it is recommended to spend 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the patient's size and the area to be treated.
Why are more sessions needed?
The high intensity pulsed light used in this type of hair removal acts only on the active hair bulbs, i.e. in the growth phase (Anagen phase). This is why it is not possible to obtain a complete epilation in a single session: it is necessary to adapt to the life cycle of the hair - or a part of the hair depending on the area, which must be in the Anagen phase. Epilation is therefore "progressively definitive", in the sense that, at each epilation session, about 20% of the hair (those active at that particular moment) are eliminated definitively.
Does high-intensity pulsed light (IPL) cause side effects?
After the session, some people may have a momentary itching, the skin may show redness or small rashes, which will then disappear spontaneously. To avoid any kind of discomfort, it is important to follow the instructions of our specialists.
Are there any risks to high-intensity pulsed light?
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approved the use of high-intensity pulsed light (IPL) as a safe and effective procedure. This does not entail, therefore, any risk if the hair removal is carried out by highly qualified specialized personnel, as is the case with UPMC specialists.
Are IPL treatments painful?
Absolutely not. UPMC has a machine with the tip of the handpiece cooled to -4 ºC that performs an anesthetic effect on the skin during the entire session.
Is there always a preliminary check-up?
All the time. In the first session, a complete check-up of the skin is carried out by the expert, in order to verify the actual possibility of undergoing the hair removal treatment.
What precautions are needed before treatment?
In the three weeks prior to the start of treatment, it is necessary not to expose yourself to the sun or UV lamps. The skin should not be tanned. During this period, it is recommended not to wax, use tweezers or other hair removal treatments, with the exception of the razor.
After each session, what do I need to do?
At the end of each session, our specialist will apply an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointment to the skin, the same that it is advisable to apply at home in the following 5-7 days.
In which cases can pulsed light not be carried out?
In case of pregnancy, lactation and use of photosensitizing drugs. In addition, the person undergoing the treatment must be of legal age.
What is the difference between the use of laser and pulsed light?
Both treatments are effective for permanent hair removal, but pulsed light is also suitable for dark skin phototypes and blond hair.
Photo Rejuvenation
What is the effect of photo rejuvenation on the skin? Is it a painful treatment?
Pulsed light determines dermal biostimulation and the related production of collagen and elastin fibers, with the consequent improvement of tone, elasticity, shine and beauty of the skin. It is not a painful treatment: what you feel is only a tingling, like the one that could give the snap of an elastic band on the skin.
How long does a photo rejuvenation session last?
The treatment, if it is extended to the whole face or décolleté, lasts about 20 minutes and should be repeated every 3 weeks, for a number of sessions that can vary from 4 to 6. Treatment does not interfere in any way with normal daily activities.
What are the side effects of photo rejuvenation?
No side effects were found in this type of treatment. It should only be noted that, after the session, and for a few hours, the skin may be reddened.
Is it possible to combine photo stimulation with other skin rejuvenation treatments?
Photo stimulation can also be performed in combination with other cutenee surface rejuvenation treatments, such as peeling, PRP, skin resurfacing and mesotherapy.
Removal of Skin Spots
How does skin spot removal treatment work?
The pulse of light emitted by the equipment allows to intervene on the melanin of the stain, making it resurface in the days following the treatment. After the session, the skin remains intact, but the spot appears darker, with a brown crust - it means that the stain has reacted well to the treatment. Over the next 7-10 days, then, the processes of natural exfoliation of the skin will allow the progressive elimination of the crust, giving space to a lighter skin.
How long does each session last, and how many do you need?
The duration and number of sessions depend on the extent and depth of melanin accumulation.
During the treatment period, can you sunbathe?
In general, but especially during the summer, it is good that the skin is protected with creams with a high protection factor (SPF 50+), and that sun exposure is limited to the less hot moments of the day.
After treatment, do scars remain?
No. The treatment is defined as non-ablative, that is, it does not cause tissue removal. The redness that appears following treatment regresses by itself in a few hours. The brown crust formed in correspondence of the flaps of pigmented tissue in an abnormal way, caused by the treatment itself in order to restore and even out the skin color, is the only alteration that can be noticed in the days following the session.
How often are the sessions held?
The interval between treatments varies from 20 days to a month.
Is it possible to wear makeup after treatment?
On the day of treatment it is preferable to avoid the use of makeup. The next day, however, you can apply a non-oily foundation.
Can I wash the treated area after the session?
Yes, but it is better to avoid soaps that are too aggressive.
Treatment of Vascular Lesions
What is laser treatment of telangiectasias and angiomas?
Laser-sclerotherapy is a technique that allows the closure of a precise venous tract, home to one or more groups of capillaries (telangiectasias), through the use of laser technology. The laser technique aims to cause an inflammatory reaction inside the vessel wall, causing the vessel walls to collapse on top of each other, resulting in closure. This reaction causes thrombization and subsequent reabsorption of capillaries by our immune system.
By eliminating superficial capillaries, what happens to venous circulation?
Nothing. The superficial venous circulation is "expendable", since most of the venous blood that returns to the heart passes through deep collateral circles. Thanks to this method of "compensation", it is possible, for example, to remove varicose veins of calibers well above the so-called "capillaries", without this leading to particular imbalances.
What are the venous districts to which laser sclerotherapy is applicable?
Laser sclerotherapy is particularly suitable for the removal of capillaries (telangiectasias) and skin angiomas, regardless of their place of origin.
What are the contraindications to the use of these techniques?
Contraindications to laser removal, as with most laser treatments, are:
- Decompensated diabetes mellitus.
- Recent episodes (less than 12 months) of superficial thrombophlebitis or deep vein thrombosis.
- Sun exposure before, during, and immediately after the last session (highly discouraged until the complete disappearance of any inflammatory process or skin alteration).
- Pregnancy.
- Long stays that force the patient to bed.
- Presence of malignant tumors, adrenal diseases, tuberculosis, some kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis and nephrosis).
Is the laser technique of telangiectasias and angiomas painful?
During the treatment, you may feel a sensation very similar to that of a pinprick, due to the heat generated by the light pulse on the skin. In any case, before the session, you can apply an anesthetic ointment on the affected area.
Is there a time of year more suitable than another to perform this treatment?
The therapy is usually performed in the period from October to April / May, to avoid exposure of the skin to intense sunlight, which could lead to the formation of dark pigmentations of the skin that are difficult to remove.
What does the skin look like after treatment?
It is possible that a slight edema appears, which can last one or two days, or redness that regresses spontaneously during a time ranging from a few days to a few weeks. In any case, the treated area cannot be exposed to sunlight or UV lamps until any signs of irritation have completely disappeared.
After removal of telangiectasias of the lower extremities, is it necessary to apply a bandage?
No, although it would be useful to wear graduated compression stockings in the days before and after treatment, in order to improve venous blood flow and counteract conditions that can lead to telangiectasias.
How many sessions are needed to eliminate angiomas and capillaries?
The number of laser sessions required may vary depending on the extension of the area and the number of capillaries or angiomas to be treated and the subjectivity of the individual cases. As a rule, 3-4 sessions are done, but in the most complex cases it can also reach 8-10. The sessions are generally done with an interval of time between one and the other that varies from 3 to 6 weeks.
After laser treatment, should I take any medication?
Indeed, in the 72 hours following treatment, it is necessary to avoid taking any drug based on acetylsalicylic acid (such as aspirin), in order to avoid a reduction in the sclerosing effect due to the anti-aggregating action of this type of drug.

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