Breast Cancer Screening at UPMC
Breast cancer represents the most common malignancy among women, affecting one in nine people over a lifetime, with a frequency of about 48,000 cases per year in Italy alone. The average risk of developing it, in the absence of special conditions such as genetic mutations, is around 10-12%.
The good news is that in the recent 20 years, survival at five years after diagnosis has increased significantly, from 81% to 87%. This positive finding underscores the increased overall likelihood of surviving breast cancer, especially when it is detected at an early stage.
Early detection allows more and more cancers to be detected at an earlier stage of development, when therapies are particularly effective and less invasive.
Accurate analysis of the clinical and pathological picture is possible through the synergy of advanced diagnostic technologies and established medical expertise, both of which are crucial in determining the optimal treatment approach.
UPMC offers highly specialized breast screening for accurate and timely diagnosis. This opportunity for prevention, care and treatment is based on specific national guidelines and meets the highest European standards.
Patients who choose UPMC can rely on a network of specialized centers and multidisciplinary teams capable of accompanying them along the various necessary pathways, starting from screening to treatment in the event of a neoplasm diagnosis, while also providing ongoing support in the post-treatment period.
Schedule a Breast Exam or Examination at UPMC
UPMC offers preventive and diagnostic breast services at the following facility:
Breast Screening and Risk Factors
UPMC provides advanced medical, radiological and surgical diagnostic technologies:
- Mammography with Tomosynthesis.
- Breast ultrasound.
- Breast MRI.
- Genetic testing.
- Specialist breast examination.
- The breast physician, based on the patient's medical history, personal and family history, age, and type of breast tissue, as well as the presence of symptoms, decides whether to recommend a breast ultrasound, mammogram, or MRI.
- Monitoring programs.
- Personalized treatment plans.
These are shared with all the specialists involved and include a holistic approach to the patient's psychophysical needs. Referral specialists, such as nutritionist, gynecologist, psychologist, and plastic surgeon, adapt to individual needs. Interventional breast procedures. Include biopsies, breast needle aspiration, placement of retrievals. The patient can rely on teams of specialists from several medical disciplines essential to the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, including senology, radiology, histopathology, oncology, cancer surgery, and plastic-reconstructive surgery. This approach allows each case to be examined in its entirety and complexity quickly and effectively, with immediate assessments by professionals in each field. These experts work in synergy, directing the patient to the necessary steps in the shortest possible time, reducing the sense of hopelessness and bewilderment often associated with oncology patients.
Who should be screened for breast cancer
The primary goal of prevention is to perform breast investigations even before symptoms of the disease become apparent.
In the absence of symptoms or a family history of breast cancer, monthly self-palpation, annual visits to the doctor, and annual mammograms are recommended starting at age 40. However, some women, between the ages of 25 and 40, should see a physician for preventive screening if:
- They carry BRCA genes, which are associated with a high risk of breast cancer.
- Have close relatives (mother, sister, daughter) who have been diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age.
BRCA (BReast CAncer) genetic predisposition or familiarity are relevant risk factors that require extensive screening to detect the disease in its early stages.
In addition to age, familiarity, and genetic predisposition, other risk factors to consider include obesity and poor diet.
Oncology in UPMC

We offer medical services and services on a private basis or in agreement with the main insurance companies. Some of our services are also affiliated with the National Health System.
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