
World Patient Safety Day 2020

The World Health Organization (WHO), recognizing patient safety as a global health priority, in 2019 established World Patient Safety Day which is celebrated on September 17.

Patient safety is a serious global public health issue. According to estimates reported by the WHO, there is a one in 3 million chance of dying by air, while the risk of death due to a predictable medical accident when receiving health care, is 1 in 300. In high-income countries, it is estimated that one in 10 patients suffers damage related to adverse events during hospital care, of which almost 50% is preventable. The evolution of health systems and progress in treatments and therapies have increasingly highlighted the need to provide patients with quality, effective, safe and people-centred health services.

This year's goal of the World Patient Safety Day campaign is to raise awareness of the importance of healthcare workers' safety and how it strongly depends on patients. The slogan reads "Safe health workers, safe patients". The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the enormous challenges and risks that health professionals face every day: infections, diseases, psychological and emotional disorders, violence. Healthcare professionals must be put in the best conditions to take care of patients.

The safety of healthcare professionals and patients has always been a top priority for UPMC. In all UPMC centers in Italy:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is guaranteed
  • periodic checks are carried out on all the activities carried out
  • training courses for health personnel are constantly organized
  • safe procedures and risk prevention systems are implemented
  • are active, or in the process of being implemented, programs to enhance and reward all health professionals who stand out for their commitment, competence and dedication (ACES, Daisy Award, Rose Award, Cameo of Caring)