UPMC Italy Partner of the Women Economic Forum
UPMC Italy is among the partners of the second Italian edition of the Women Economic Forum (WEF), that will take place in Rome from November 20 to 22, 2024.
Promoting gender equality, enhancing women’s skills in STEM fields, supporting female entrepreneurship, and influencing national and international policies: these are the main objectives of the event, which will bring together representatives from institutions, businesses, universities, and globally recognized figures.
The World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2024 highlights a setback for Italy, which has dropped from 79th to 87th place in the global ranking, with an estimated 134 years now required to close the gender gap. This unacceptable timeframe makes the adoption of innovative and concrete solutions increasingly urgent. The Women Economic Forum therefore offers a unique opportunity to address these challenges and contribute to a fairer future.
During the Forum, seven plenary sessions will explore key topics for the economy and society, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, climate justice, agri-food innovation, aerospace, and the role of education in building an inclusive and sustainable democracy. In the session dedicated to Health and Longevity, Dr. Enza Lo Re, Head of Neurology at IRCCS ISMETT-UPMC and Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology at the University of Pittsburgh, will discuss Brain Health and its importance for longevity.
We are honored to partner with this extraordinary event, as we believe that women’s empowerment is a cornerstone for a more equitable and inclusive future.