
Smoking Cessation: The New Center to Say Goodbye to Smoking is Active in SMIH

UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital, the new Anti-Smoking Center for the treatment of smoking, is active. Dedicated to all smokers and not only to those with smoking-related diseases, it offers the patient a real program that follows a proven scientific methodology also adopted by UPMC in the States Uniti. Si part with an information and cognitive phase, through diagnostics and specialist visits up to the follow-up phase for the maintenance of smoking cessation. If necessary, interventions also include drug treatments.

At UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital, the contact persons for the tobacco treatment service are pulmonologist Dr. Rosastella Principe and cardiologists Prof. Cesare Greco and Dr. Massimo Uguccioni: a dedicated specialist team that relies on the multidisciplinary support of the other specialists in the facility. To constantly advise, inform and support the patient in the smoking cessation program, the hospital has also chosen and trained a reference health professional, the TTS – Tobacco Treatment Specialist.

To learn more about UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital's Smoking Cessation Program click here.