
Dr. Luigi Cammarano

  • Internal Medicine
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital



Luigi Cammarano is a medical doctor specialized in Internal Medicine. After nearly 30 years working as a general practitioner at Local Health Authority RM 1, today Dr. Cammarano focuses on consultations and check-ups in the field of internal medicine.

After graduating at La Sapienza University in Rome, he specialized in Internal Medicine, with a focus on Emergency Medicine, at the same university, both cum laude.

Dr. Cammarano's professional experience includes his roles as complementary medical officer serving for 3 years at the Defense Unit Grouping in the inter-force military garrison of Forte Braschi in Rome, at the Civil Court of Rome, the tourist medical guard service Roma Nord-Ladispoli-Marina di San Nicola, and at the Emergency Department for women at Policlinico Umberto I from 1993 to 1994.

Dr. Cammarano's main fields of research are systemic lupus erythematosus and autoimmune hepatitis, both the subject of scientific publications.