
Dr. Renata Castelli

  • Gynecology
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital



Dr. Castelli specializes in obstetrics and gynecology and has special interest in prenatal diagnosis and pregnancies at risk. She covers adolescent gynecology, adulthood and menopause, and in particular the prevention and treatment of cherryworm pathologies, endometrium and papillomavirus infections through the innovative Thin prep test, culture and hysteroscopic diagnostics, prevention and treatment of ovary pathologies, diagnosis and exemption of endometriosis, operational hysteroscopy, II level ultrasound diagnostics for obstetric and gynecological pathology (with more than 50,000 ultrasounds performed), infertility and management of high risk pregnancies, complicated by Les, diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia. She has performed more than 6,000 obstetric-gynecological surgery interventions. In 1996, she created an innovative transpiramidal innovative technique, still used today in gynecological and obstetric surgery, with large operating case (about 5,000 cases) and has published in newspapers and magazines. She is a specialist gynecologist of some embassies such as Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Philippines and Thailand.