
Dr. Luigi Ciolli

  • Orthopaedics
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital



Dr. Ciolli is a specialist in orthopedics and traumatology. He specializes in arthroscopic surgery (knee, shoulder, elbow, hip, ankle), traumatology of sport, prosthetic knee and shoulder surgery, osteoporosis and treatment of osteoarticular pathologies and tendon muscle with infiltrations of growth factors (PRP). He is the Orthopedic Medical Director of I Level, Head of UOS Traumatology of the Knee and Arthroscopy at the Santo Spirito Hospital of Rome (ASL RM/E). He is the author of 42 national publications and 10 international publications and is vice-president of the company Reg.A.L. (Regional Group Artroscopists Lazio).