
Dr. Marco Fantini

  • ENT
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital



Dr. Marco Fantini, obtained his Master's degree with a thesis focusing on the functional results of partial supratracheal laryngectomies. Subsequently, he obtained a postgraduate diploma in Otolaryngology and Brain-Brain Surgery with distinction, presenting a thesis on voice and communication management in patients undergoing horizontal partial laryngectomy.

His training has included off-the-job experience, advanced training courses in artistic vocology and training in phonosurgery at various renowned institutes in Italy and abroad, thus enriching his expertise in the field of vocology and phonosurgery.

His work experience spans several renowned institutes, including specialist consultancy at the FPO-IRCCS Institute in Candiolo, direction of the Level II outpatient clinic for vocology and deglutology at the Koelliker Hospital in Turin, and specialist ENT practice in several facilities in Rome and Turin.

Throughout his career, he has received awards and recognition for his commitment and scientific skills in the field of medicine, and has also actively contributed to the field of research, with an H-INDEX of 10 and numerous outstanding scientific publications.