
Dr. Andrea Illuminati

  • Orthopaedics and Traumatology
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital
  • specialist-subspecialty-heading
  • Arthroscopic Surgery
  • Prosthetic Surgery
  • Robotic Surgery



Dr. Illuminati specializes in Orthopedics and Traumatology. He received his degree in 2019 at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in Bologna and the University Hospital of Modena (110/110 and honors), where he trained with Dr. Ensini and Prof. Catani. He has a special interest in prosthetic hip and knee surgery using robotics. He is expert in revision surgery of hip and knee prosthesis, the diagnosis and management of the painful prostheses and peri-protesic infections during the Fellowship at Mintorkliniek in Nijmegen (Holland) where he trained under the supervision of Dr. Van Hellemond. He worked as an orthopedic surgeon at IRCSS San Raffaele-Milan Hospital doing minimally invasive and robotic prosthetic surgery of the hip and knee also. His main fields of clinical interest are conservative orthopedic therapy (in particular infiltrative treatments of all joint districts), traumatology of sport and arthroscopic surgery (in particular meniscal-ligament lesions of knee), prosthetic hip and knee surgery with robotic technique, protestic surgery of hip and knee overhaul, biological joint reconstruction, platelet derivation growth factors (PRP), and application of mesenchymal and biomaterial stem cells in the treatment of cartilage, tendon and muscle diseases. He carries out professional activity at UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital.