
Dr. Maria Enrica Martini

  • Pathology
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital



Dr. Martini is a specialist in Anatomy and Pathological Histology and in Experimental Medical Oncology. She is the acting director of the Department of Clinical Diagnostics of ASL RME. Dr. Martini worked in the Anatomy and Pathological Histology Service of the S.Giovanni Hospital and of the S. Giacomo Hospital in Rome, where she also held the position of head physician - U.O.C. Director of Pathological Anatomy. She is the former Director of A.O.C. of Pathological Anatomy of the Santo Spirito Hospital in Rome. Dr. Martini is responsible for cervicovaginal screening of ASL RMA and RME. She underwent a period of professional training at the Department of Genetics, directed by Prof. J. Opitz, of the Shodair Children's Hospital of Helena (Montana, USA), where she was able to begin the pathological study of the product of conception, becoming passionate about the field which she continues to study. Particular areas of interest include surgical, gastroenterological, haematological, dermatological and fetus, embryo and placenta pathology. She is a coordinator and lecturer in joint Anatomoclinical Meetings of Oncohematology S. Giacomo Hospital S. Spirito Hospital with E.C.M. She is the author of 30 publications in national and international journals and co-editor of a book on fetal pathology. Dr. Martini practices at UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital.