
Dr. Tommaso Riga

  • Urology
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital



Dr. Riga is a urologist. He is Medical Director of I Level at the Urology Division I of the "San Giovanni Addolorata" hospital in Rome. In particular, he deals with endoscopic and ultrasound diagnostics to explore the medical and surgical treatment of all benign and neoplastic pathologies of the male and urinary urinary tract system. In addition to the traditional open surgical treatments, he routinely performs laparoscopic urological surgery for neoplasms of the urogenital system (kidney, bladder, prostate) and for malformative pathology of the urinary system. Other procedures include endoscopic interventions with percutaneous technique for the treatment of urinary calculosis (renal-ureral-vescical), endoscopic interventions for benign prostatic hypertrophy and superficial bladder neoplasms, uro-andrological interventions for testicle cancer, varicocele, phimosis, hydrocele, short frenulum, curved penalties, male infertility, induratio penis, and minimally-invasive surgery for the correction of female urinary incontinence and pelvic prolapse. He is the author of numerous scientific publications in the uro-andrological field.