
Questions To Ask Your Medical Oncologist

Questions To Ask Your Medical Oncologist | UPMC Italy

A cancer diagnosis is a moment of significant emotional impact and requires careful and detailed planning of the treatment path. The oncologist, one of the main specialists involved, plays a crucial role in guiding the patient through the various stages of treatment. Here is a guide to making the most of your first oncology visit, with tips on what to expect and which questions to ask to get the best support.

The Crucial Role of the Oncologist

The oncologist is the specialist who manages the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, developing a personalised treatment plan that may include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or targeted therapies. They work closely with other healthcare professionals to ensure an integrated and coordinated approach to patient care. This specialist is the point of reference for any questions or concerns regarding the disease and its treatment.

What to Expect at the First Appointment

The first visit with the oncologist is a crucial moment to set up the treatment plan. Expect a thorough meeting that might include:

  • Collection of medical history: Bring all relevant medical documents, such as previous test results, a list of current medications, and medical records.
  • Physical and diagnostic exams: The oncologist may require additional exams or lab tests to complete the clinical picture.
  • Discussion of the treatment plan: The oncologist will explain the available treatment options, detailing the benefits and potential side effects of each.

Taking notes during the visit can help you remember important details. It's normal to feel overwhelmed, so don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications and to ask questions.

Key Questions to Ask During Your First Oncology Visit

Here are some essential questions to consider during your first visit. Personalize these questions based on your concerns and the information you find most relevant:

Information about the Tumor:

  • Can you tell me more about the type, location, and stage of my tumor?
  • What does the stage of the tumor mean in my specific case?
  • What is the prognosis of my tumor?

Causes and Prevention:

  • What might have caused my tumor?
  • Are there preventive measures I can take to improve my prognosis?

Treatment Options:

  • What are my treatment options?
  • Does the treatment involve surgery? Who will perform the surgery?
  • What is your experience in treating this type of tumor?

Treatment Management:

  • What can I expect during the treatment and how long will it last?
  • When should I start the therapy and how should I prepare?
  • What side effects can I expect and how can I manage them?

Support and Quality of Life:

  • Are there any clinical trials that might be suitable for me?
  • Should I make changes to my diet or physical activity during the treatments?
  • What support services are available for me and my family?

Monitoring and Follow-Up:

  • What other tests will I need and who will perform them?
  • How and when will I receive the test results?
  • When should I schedule the next follow-up appointment?

Communication and Contacts:

  • In which cases should I contact you immediately?
  • How do you prefer to be contacted for questions or emergencies?

Preparing for the Future

Facing a cancer diagnosis is a complex and often difficult journey. Being prepared and having a clear understanding of the treatment path can make a significant difference. During the first visit, your oncologist can help you navigate this new territory, offering support, information, and hope. Don’t hesitate to ask for everything you need to feel more secure and informed.

Learn more about UPMC's oncology services.