
Scars: The Most Effective Treatments

Scars are how the body heals after several layers of the skin have suffered trauma. It is not possible to make a scar disappear completely, but there are ways to mitigate them. Choosing the best treatment depends on the type of scar, and often finding an effective treatment for scars, whether due to a severe form of acne, injury, or surgery, can be very complex.

Despite being a natural part of the healing process, scars can be emotionally devastating and negatively impact self-esteem, especially if they are in a prominent position. They can cause anxiety and depression, as well as a source of pain.

Types of Scars

Scars can come in all shapes and sizes; The most common are:

  • Keloid scars: these are the scars due to a lesion. They are firm and pink or dark red, and are formed when an excess of collagen accumulates under the skin; They can extend even beyond the area of the initial lesion.
  • Hypertrophic scars: similar to a keloid, but does not go beyond the affected area. They are embossed and often reddened, they are easier to treat than keloids.
  • Contracture scars: occur following a severe burn. They are often deep and can create skin tension, sometimes limiting the range of motion.
  • Acne scars: permanent alterations of the structure and indentations left on the skin following severe episodes of acne.

Effective Scar Treatment Options

Once formed, a scar becomes a permanent part of the skin. Fortunately, there are ways to make scars less visible. Some of the common scar treatments recommended are:

  • Surgery. Surgical treatment is the most invasive, and it will be the surgeon, after careful analysis, to recommend the most suitable procedure to make the scar less visible. You can, for example, reduce the size of an extended scar or take the skin from another part of the body to place it on the scar area.
  • Laser treatment. The laser is an effective and non-invasive option, particularly suitable for the treatment of surgical scars. Bright light is used to reduce its size, color and shape. The effectiveness of treatment of different types of laser removal varies according to the type of scar.
  • Chemical exfoliants. The specialist applies a chemical solution to the scar; When the exfoliant is removed, a layer of skin comes away making a smoother one emerge. Chemical exfoliants require multiple applications and are ideal for superficial scarring.
  • Dermabrasion. Using a machine similar to a small sander, the specialist smooths the top layer of the skin. Similar to a chemical exfoliant, this treatment is a viable option to treat relief scars.
  • Injections. Steroid injections can reduce the size of raised scars, making them even with respect to the surface of the skin. Other types of injections include dermal fillers or collagen, which fill the area around a deep scar.
  • Ointments. Creams and gels are a good solution for minor scars.