

Pedobarography | UPMC Italy

Incorrect foot posture or support can lead to numerous discomforts, even serious ones. The causes may be orthopaedic, neurological, congenital or due to innate morphological characteristics. In addition, they can result from bad walking habits, incorrect postures caused by strenuous work, or factors that cause physical suffering and pain, such as certain diseases.

Pedobarography allows the morphology of the foot to be analysed and possible dysfunctions in locomotor and postural biomechanics to be detected. This examination is based on the observation of the support points and time, load distribution and pressure exerted on the sole of the foot (plantar pressure).

How Is It Performed?

The specialist uses a baropodometric platform on which the patient has to stand and walk, thus enabling an analysis of both the static and dynamic condition.

What Is It Used For?

Pedobarography is useful for detecting dysfunctions of the skeletal or musculoskeletal system, morphological pathologies of the foot or incorrect posture. This information is essential for prescribing appropriate treatment and corrective measures, such as the use of customised insoles or planning a rehabilitation course.

The test is also particularly recommended in post-operative follow-up and during rehabilitation courses, to assess and monitor postural improvements achieved through orthopaedic surgery or the use of neuro-motor re-education techniques and orthoses.

Pedobarography as a Developmental Screening

During the growth of children and adolescents, the pedobarography is crucial for the diagnosis and prevention of postural and structural problems, such as varus, valgus, and flat foot.

Identifying these problems early on allows them to be corrected and gait re-educated, thus preventing future criticalities and complications that could adversely affect the body structure.

Book your pedobarography at UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital.