Gender Medicine: Let's Talk About Menopause

States of depression, increased heart rate, loss of libido and sexual dysfunction, mood swings, weight gain are all possible symptoms that arise in peri-menopause and menopause. One of the most common symptoms is sudden hot flashes.
But what are hot flashes, and is there a way to find relief?
Although it is not known exactly why, some experts believe that they may be related to changes in circulation. On average, hot flashes – which can also occur during sleep, resulting in difficulty falling back asleep – last for about seven years, and only one in five women does not suffer from them.
Unfortunately, there is no definitive treatment. However, there are some medications, herbal supplements, and lifestyle changes that can help reduce its frequency and severity. Here are some tips that can help you find relief from hot flashes, without resorting to medications or supplements.
Changing Your Diet
If you suffer from severe hot flashes, pay attention to your diet. Certain foods and drinks naturally raise body temperature, which can trigger or worsen hot flashes. Try to avoid alcohol consumption, caffeinated beverages, foods high in fat and sugar, and spicy foods.
Some research has shown that the Mediterranean diet — rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds and olive oil — can help reduce hot flashes.
Foods with High Amounts of Isoflavones
Isoflavones are natural chemicals produced almost exclusively by the bean family. Soy, for example, contains a large amount of isoflavones and phytoestrogens, chemicals that act like estrogen. Foods like soy milk, tempeh, tofu, and edamame can help balance estrogen levels and keep hot flashes at bay.
Daily exercise can help keep your body healthy and regulated, and help reduce hot flashes. Simple activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, yoga and pilates but also dancing can help control hot flashes!
Attention to Body Temperature
It may seem silly, but even a slight decrease in body temperature can help reduce hot flashes. Turn down the thermostat, fan, or open a window, and remember to prefer cotton clothes or breathable fabrics.
Reduce Stress
Stress can make hot flashes worse, so it's important to understand what helps you find peace when you're stressed. Guided breathing, meditation, reading, tai chi are all good ideas. Find which one works for you!
Although there is no magic pill to treat all the symptoms of menopause, you can take some simple steps to reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes.