
Integrative Oncology

On June 8, 2016, a conference on Integrative Oncology was held at the Salvator Mundi International Hospital in Rome. The conference was hosted by Dr. Lanie Francis, oncologist and researcher at Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh, who illustrated and explained the Integrative Oncology program she devised. This program is aimed at cancer patients and their families to help them manage the symptoms and side effects of the disease and therapies, improve their quality of life and be proactive and consciously involved in their care path. Hillman Cancer Center is part of UPMC CancerCenter, UPMC's oncology network with more than 42 centers worldwide and 75,000 patients treated each year.

UPMC's Integrative Oncology program consists of a series of support activities that, in addition to conventional therapies, help patients cope with treatment and any side effects of their treatments.

These activities, with proven scientific effectiveness, cover four different areas:

  • Movement (yoga, pilates, breathing exercises). The approach to movement focuses on practices that link breathing with movement, to improve basic strength and optimize bone health.
  • Touch (acupuncture, Shiatsu, Reiki, massage). It is proven that some therapies are able to alleviate symptoms such as pain and nausea.
  • Nutrition (evaluation of the diet, control and management of body weight). Proper nutrition not only helps prevent the onset of certain cancers, but can be a key element to better deal with the symptoms and treatments of oncological diseases.
  • Mind (meditation, music therapy, aromatherapy). Meditation and the strength of the mind are important tools in the management of pain and many aspects related to oncological diseases (feelings of discomfort, tiredness, nausea).

For more information on Integrative Oncology, click here.