
Legs Health Open House October 19, 2024

Legs Health Open House October 19, 2024 | UPMC Italy

Your leg health is important: join us for a free specialist consult!

Leg blemishes, such as cellulite or varicose veins, are not only an aesthetic problem but also a health problem. They can indicate a malfunction of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Do not ignore these signs.

If you suffer from circulatory or aesthetic leg problems, don't miss the opportunity to attend our Open House dedicated to Leg Health:

  • Saturday, October 19, 2024

Book your appointment online or by calling +39 06 588 96 800.

Our experts will be available for free specialized consultations:

Following the clinical evaluation, our experts will be able to recommend further vascular diagnostic investigations, including venous ecodoppler, and possible therapeutic paths such as, for example, oxygen therapy with lymphatic drainage. For those who attend the Open House, discounted rates will be applied.

Varicose veins: what they are, causes and symptoms

Varicose veins are dilated superficial veins, visible to the naked eye, that appear swollen, tortuous, and blue or purple in color. They are caused by a weakening of the vein walls and the valves within them, which makes it difficult for blood to return to the heart. This causes blood to pool in the veins, which become swollen and enlarged. 

Major risk factors include:

  • Gender: women are more predisposed because of hormones that weaken the vein walls.
  • Age: as we age, veins lose elasticity and valves weaken.
  • Familiarity: genetic predisposition plays a role.
  • Overweight or obesity: excessive weight increases pressure on the veins.
  • Work: standing for many hours promotes blood stagnation in the veins.
  • Pregnancy: hormonal changes and the pressure exerted by the uterus on the pelvic veins increase the risk.

In some cases, in addition to cosmetic appearance, varicose veins can cause symptoms such as:

  • Pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Burning, swelling and cramping, especially at night.
  • Itching and redness at the veins.

We look forward to seeing you on October 19, 2024 to help you improve the health and appearance of your legs!