
How to Train for Safe Skiing

How to Train for Safe Skiing? | UPMC Italy

Skiing is a fun and health-beneficial physical activity, but it requires awareness to avoid injury. While some people practice sports year-round, others return to the slopes only occasionally, increasing their risks. Strength, flexibility, endurance, and agility exercises are critical to improve performance, prevent fatigue and reduce the risk of injury.

Preparatory Training: Some Tips for Skiers

To prepare for skiing, regular training three to five times a week, with one- to two-hour sessions, is recommended. The training program should focus on several aspects:


Good balance is essential on skis. Specific exercises involving the core and lower limbs can improve stability and safety while downhill.

Upper and lower limb exercises

Strengthening both upper and lower limbs is crucial. Focusing on muscles such as those in the legs, buttocks, back and arms can improve endurance and ability to tackle the slopes.


Good flexibility reduces the risk of muscle tears. Regular stretching exercises for legs and back can help maintain a full range of motion.


Strength is critical to tackling the slopes with confidence. Weight training or resistance exercises help develop the strength needed to handle various terrain conditions.


Vary the intensity of exercises during preparation. Include moments of maximum effort and periods of recovery to improve endurance and responsiveness.

Cardiovascular endurance

Good cardiovascular endurance is crucial for coping with downhill runs without overexerting yourself. Activities such as running, cycling or high-intensity training are helpful.


Jumping exercises improve muscle power and agility, which are crucial for dealing with variable terrain and obstacles on the track.

How to Prevent Knee Injuries

More than 60 percent of all skiing injuries involve the lower extremities, with injuries to knee ligaments, particularly the ACL, accounting for the majority. Preventing these injuries requires proper leg training, which can be achieved through several practices:

  • Ski-specific agility training.
  • Plyometric training (e.g., jumps, sprints).
  • Strengthening.
  • Stretching.

To prevent injuries, it is also important to use proper technique when jumping: jumping straight without excessive lateral movements, aiming for soft landings.

Other Slope Safety Tips

  • Always look before entering the slope.
  • Give way to skiers ahead of you.
  • Keep your attention level high.
  • Do not stop in the middle of the slope or in a blind spot.
  • Ski according to your age, ability, fitness, and health condition.

In case of injury, you should consult a specialist to assess the severity of the injury and determine the most appropriate treatment and rehabilitation course.

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