Telemedicine Services

Traditionally, when we have a health problem, we call the doctor. Today, however, thanks to digital technology, we can do much more, such as sending photos and reports to the doctor to have them viewed in real-time, with your privacy respected at all times.
In fact, many medical needs can be fully and quickly met thanks to UPMC's telemedicine services.
Think, for example, of a mother who suddenly notices red blisters on her baby's skin. She is scared, she would like to know immediately what it is. There are several contagious diseases that occur with skin rash and, in these cases, the emergency department is not always the right place to go. Having the opportunity to consult a dermatologist quickly is important to immediately start the appropriate therapy and contain the possible risk of contagion. Through UPMC's telemedicine services, it is possible to quickly obtain specialist advice, without leaving home.
Book an Online Video Consultation at UPMC
UPMC offers online video consultations and other telemedicine services at the following locations:
About UPMC's Telemedicine Service
Behind the term telemedicine, there are different methods of treatment, reliable and accessible by anyone with an internet connection. A telemedicine visit generally takes place through a video call between the person and the medical specialist. Thanks to the use of simple tools, such as the sphygmomanometer and pulse oximeter, the person can directly detect and communicate vital medical information.
Why Use UPMC's Telemedicine Services?
The average age of the Italian population is progressively rising, and this determines the inevitable increase in chronic degenerative diseases. In line with the active aging policies proposed by the Italian Department for Family Policies, UPMC telemedicine services promote the creation of personalized networks of professionals capable of responding to the needs of individual families.
In fact, in most cases, health services are provided within the family. Relatives and family caregivers are increasingly offering health care services such as complex dressings, including management of ostomies and infusion pumps.
With UPMC teleconsultation services, the family caregiver can talk to the specialist whenever they feel the need and receive indications and prescriptions in real time.
In addition, there are people who have more than one chronic condition, which require frequent health checks and the intervention of various specialists. UPMC's telemedicine services allow specialists to work in teams, ensuring uniformity of care and consistent management.
At the same time, telemedicine allows patients to reduce travel by allowing them to book face-to-face visits only when these are strictly necessary. By offering such a possibility of choice, telemedicine is therefore also economical and ecological: it allows you to optimize expenses and reduce travel, also limiting environmental pollution.
How UPMC's Telemedicine Services Work
Thanks to our digital services, it is possible to share electrocardiograms, radiographs, ultrasound scans, histopathological images, clinical photos and much more, and quickly obtain the opinion of an expert clinician. Our teams include a wide range of specialists in different medical disciplines.

We offer medical services and services on a private basis or in agreement with the main insurance companies. Some of our services are also affiliated with the National Health System.
For more information on active agreements, visit: