UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Villa Maria: Information for Patients and Visitors
At UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at Villa Maria, the patient is closely monitored for the duration of the therapies by a multidisciplinary team of specialists. This is composed of radiation oncologists, physicists, radiotherapy technicians, nutritionists, and also our administrative staff. Our team collaborates daily with colleagues from the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center oncology network in Italy and around the world. We specialize in the development of personalized care plans.
To contain further spread of COVID-19, the UPMC Center has adopted all government and regional protocols and ordinances (Prime Ministerial Decree and Regional Operational Protocol, July 2020). It therefore guarantees patients access and stay in the structure in complete safety.
Insurance and Conventions
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Villa Maria has an agreement with the National Health System (SSN) and has agreements with various insurance companies.
How to Access the Center
The reservation of the first radiotherapy consultation can be made by phone or in person, at the reservation desk of the Center. The appointment will be scheduled according to the availability of our clinicians and the priority circumstances given by your state of health. To book, you must submit the necessary health documentation.
At the end of the first radiotherapy visit, it will be the responsibility of the radiotherapist to book for you the simulation CT, which is the first phase of radiotherapy treatment. During the acceptance phase, then, you will be shown the rights and duties of the patient. In addition, you will be made aware of the methods of processing your personal data, in line with current legislation (Legislative Decree no. 196 of 2003, EU Regulation 2016/679, Legislative Decree no. 101 of 2018).
If you request it, you and your family can be received together by the staff of the Center from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00, from Monday to Friday.
Waiting Times
Booking times for the first medical consultation range from one to a maximum of five working days, depending on priorities. After the first visit, where there is an indication of the need for radiotherapy, the simulation CT is programmed and generally carried out within five working days from the first visit, except in cases where other diagnostic tests are necessary.
Waiting times for the start of radiotherapy treatment vary according to the level of priority of performance.
Documentation required for the first radiotherapy visit
To access your first radiotherapy visit at UPMC, you will need to submit the required health documentation:
- Demanding with indication "first radiotherapy visit" completed by the general practitioner.
- Health card, identification document and exemption card issued by the ASL of belonging.
- Examinations and diagnostic tests performed previously and related to the clinical case in question.
In line with current national guidelines for containing the spread of COVID-19, all patients, visitors and staff must wear a mask inside the Center.
Smoke-free Medical Center
Smoking and the use of electronic cigarettes are strictly prohibited in all areas of the facility and near the entrance.
Rights and Obligations of the Patient
The patient has the right to:
- Be assisted and cared for with care and attention. This will be done with full respect for human dignity, cultural values and ethical and religious convictions, age, nationality and health conditions.
- Receive the best possible care, with the use of the most advanced technologies and scientific knowledge.
- Receive comprehensive and complete information about your state of health, its diagnosis, diagnostic tests and therapeutic treatments which you will be undergoing, so that you are aware of and participate in the treatment to which you are subjecting, the possible course of the disease and the outcome of the treatments.
- Get clear and understandable information about the services provided at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Villa Maria.
- Be treated respectfully, courteously and professionally by staff–to foster relationships of trust and mutual collaboration.
- Submit observations, commendations, complaints to the offices in charge.
- Refuse diagnostic or therapeutic treatment.
In addition, the patient has the right to strict confidentiality regarding their personal information. This includes information about your state of health and the tests and treatments you undergo.
The patient has the duty to:
- Collaborate with the medical, nursing and technical staff in charge of care, giving clear and precise information on your state of health.
- Maintain responsible and civil behavior, respecting the rights of other patients.
- Promptly inform health professionals of any intention to renounce hospitalizations, treatments and scheduled health services.
- Show respect and consideration for the work of all staff, kindness in relationships and reasonableness in requests.
- Respect the environment, equipment and furnishings that are inside the structure.
- Respect the hours of access to the Center, to allow the calm conduct of assistance and therapeutic activities.

We offer medical services and services on a private basis or in agreement with the main insurance companies. Some of our services are also affiliated with the National Health System.
For more information on active agreements, visit: