Hernia Center at UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital
UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital has a service dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of hernia. By hernia we commonly mean the leakage of a bowel, or part of it, from the abdominal cavity that contains it. This often occurs in areas less resistant to intra-abdominal pressure (such as the inguinal and femoral canals).
Hernia Service at UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital
The following services are available at UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital:
- Specialist consultation: With our surgical team
- Diagnostic tests: Ultrasound of the abdominal wall, CT scan of the abdomen, magnetic resonance.
- Surgical treatment: Traditional and minimally invasive laparoscopic.
- Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy: Suitable for sports recovery treatment.
- Guaranteed follow-up: With a team of specialists and integrated and targeted services.
Types of Hernia
Hernias can belong to the following types:
- Congenital: They can be caused by a lack of obliteration of the navel (umbilical hernias) or by the patency of the peritoneal-vaginal duct (inguinal hernias of the newborn).
- Acquired: They are created through areas of weakness in the abdominal wall, due to a congenital malformation of the wall itself, its thinning or weakness, repetitive straining or obesity.
Pathologies Treated
- Inguinal hernia: This type of hernia occurs in the groin region and is the most frequent type of hernia, which in most cases affects men.
- Sportsman's hernia. This is a soft tissue injury of the groin region caused by strain. It mainly affects the oblique muscles of the lower abdomen and the tendons that attach to the pubic bone, which can be stretched or torn. It mainly affects athletes due to movements that require acceleration, intense twisting or sudden changes of direction.
- Umbilical hernia: This is caused by the leakage of some viscera from an umbilical scar. It predominantly affects obese people and people with ascites. Other predisposing factors are constipation and intense efforts.
- Incisional hernia: Thisis a hernia of the abdominal wall that arises from a previous surgical scar. It affects 20% of patients following abdominal surgery.
- Crural hernia or femoral hernia: This consists in the release of a part of the bowels of the abdomen through points of muscle weakness in the area between the pubis and the femur (crural ring).
- Rare hernias: These include Rare Spigelian hernia or semilunar or lateral ventral hernia. This forms in the abdomen, above the groin region, where the broad abdominis muscles cross the rectus muscles.
The Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery at UPMC
- Procedures are performed in a Day-Surgery or One-Day-Surgery regimen, offering patients a faster recovery time and return to normal daily activities.
- Cutting-edge technologies and latest-generation equipment.
- Reduced hospital stay.
- Lower incidence of recurrence.
Our Team
UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital has a team of professionals specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of hernia pathologies. Surgeons, radiologists, anesthesiologists, gastroenterologists, nutritionists, and physiotherapists work in synergy to provide comprehensive care throughout diagnosis, treatment, and during the post-operative period.

We offer medical services and services on a private basis or in agreement with the main insurance companies. Some of our services are also affiliated with the National Health System.
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