
Dr. Alessandro Caporlingua

  • Neurosurgery
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital



Dr. Caporlingua is a neurosurgeon who specializes in lumbar and cervical disk hernias, cervical and lumbar stenosis, spondylolistese. He also addresses chronic painful syndromes of the spine in patients that have previously had surgery. These include carpal carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, thoracic egresso, post -traumatic vertebral fractures, osteoporotic or spinal metastases and column tumors. He obtained the specialization at the University of Rome Sapienza where he participated in more than 600 neurosurgery interventions, also working in the neurosurgery department of the IRCCS Neuromed of Pozzilli (IS) directed by Prof.Paolini and abroad At the University of Paris René Descartes in the neurosurgery department of the Sainte Anne hospital and at the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York. He is the author of numerous scientific publications in international magazines and chapters of neurosurgery textbooks. He is registered with the Italian Neurosurgery Society and speaks fluent French and English. He collaborates with the company BSP Neurosurgery formed by Dr. Federico Caporlingua and Dr. Gennaro Lapadula who operates in different regions of Italy to offer minimally invasive and innovative therapeutic solutions to patients with the pathologies of the spine and the peripheral nervous system.