
Dr. Silvia Gravante

  • Psychology
  • Psychotherapy
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital



Dr. Gravante is a psychologist and psychotherapist with a Master's in clinical supervision. She has special expertise in family therapy with problematic teenagers and the treatment of panic disorders at the Academy of Psychotherapy of the Family in Rome. She has attended courses abroad family therapy (Belo Horizonte-Brazil) and on peer education and drug use, relating to the use and abuse of psychotropic substances, youth discomfort and peer education (Edinburg-Scotland). Her clinical activity focuses on family or individual treatment for couples and family (conflict of couple, conflict in the parents-child relationships, difficulties related to the life cycle and the evolutionary sphere), anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, dependence disorders, and mood disorders.