
Prof. Leonardo Leone

  • General Surgery
  • specialist-schedules-heading
  • UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital



Professor Leone is a general surgeon. His is the winner of the Prize of the Presidency of the Republic named after the "Prof. F.Crocitti ”as a best young surgeon of the year 2007-2008. He is medical manager at UOC General and oncological surgery of the San Filippo Neri Hospital. His PhD work focused on technological and methodological applications in endolaparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery at Sapienza University in Rome. He taught at the International Master Laparoscopic surgery at Braun -Tuttlinghen (Germany) and is a professor in the School of Specialization in General Surgery University of Rome, Sapienza. He is the senological surgery manager of the Breast Unit of San Filippo Neri ASL RM 1. He is the author of numerous publications.